These are just some of the suggested titles from our Facebook TPL Reading Challenge 2022 discussion group. You can read all of the responses in the original post. You do not need a Facebook account to read the suggestions.
max barry lexicon ebook 11
FROM THE ARCHIVES: Four young internet entrepreneurs (Video)A new generation of tech entrepreneur was on the rise, creating sites that changed the very landscape of the web. Correspondent David Pogue talked with four young people using the Internet for all it's worth: 21-year-old Mark Zuckerberg, founder of; Blake Ross, who co-created the web browser Firefox at age 19; Robin Liss, who created camera review websites while in middle school; and Wayne Chang, creator of the i2hub high-speed communications network. Originally broadcast on "CBS Sunday Morning" July 17, 2005.
TECH: Illustrating the power of emoji Watch VideoNo word would suffice to express the fluency with which these shorthand icons, which have supplanted words in texts and emails and on social media, have become a language unto themselves. Correspondent David Pogue talks with designers and gatekeepers for emoji, and finds out how new symbols are added to the lexicon. ?
PROGRAM NOTE: It's National Park Week, and after the show, our Conor Knighton will be chatting with you on Facebook Live at 11 a.m. EDT, about his journeys through our national parks. Visit the CBS Sunday Morning Facebook page to leave a question for Knighton, and join us on Sunday live after the show! [Watch the archived chat below.]
It's #NationalParkWeek and after the show today, our Conor Knighton will be chatting with you, on Facebook Live at 11AM EDT, about his journeys through our national parks. Leave a question for Conor below.
Aimé Césaire was a poet and, later, a politician from the Caribbean island of Martinique, who spoke out against the sufferings and humiliations endured by the peoples of the former French colonies. In Aimé Césaire: No to Humiliation, we are with Césaire in 1930s Paris. The young Martinican poet and his friends Léopold Sédar Senghor and Léon Gontran Damas are launching the Negritude movement. Together, they celebrate their Black African roots, protesting French colonial rule and policies of assimilation. They invite West Indians, Senegalese, Guyanese, and others to reject the suffocating French colonial presence and to take pride in their accents, their cultures and their shared histories. Aimé's great book-length poem, Notebook on the Return to the Native Land, and other works, are a global inspiration. His speeches enliven the crowds back home in Martinique, and he rises in the political arena, defending Martinican identity. As a writer, as the Mayor of Fort-de-France and deputy of the French National Congress, Aimé Césaire continues to write and to fight against colonial power and for the dignity of Black peoples everywhere.
Haralabopoulos, Giannis and Wagner, Christian and McAuley, Derek and Simperl, Elena (2018)A multivalued emotion lexicon created and evaluated by the crowd. In: The Fifth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security, 15-18 Oct 2018, Valencia, Spain. 2ff7e9595c