Yes, Brave is completely free to use. Simply download the Brave browser for desktop, for Android, or for iOS to get started. You can also use Brave Search free from any browser at, or set it as your default search engine.
Brave Browser setup 64bit for Windows 64 bit
As you all know we need a browser for browsing the internet so there are many browsers in the market and the brave browser is one of them. Brave Browser is a popular browser in the modern world. Download Brave browser is a browser based on chromium and it is faster than 90% of other web browsers.
According to 90% of the users, the brave browser is faster than google chrome. According to my personal experience, it is not that much faster than chrome but there is a slight difference in speed and the Brave browser is faster.
To download Brave browser simply click on one of the downloads buttons at the top of this page. Brave browser is available for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and you can download the version according to your windows.
On the Enterprise downloads page of Mozilla site, the Firefox browser is available for following OS: Windows 64-Bit, macOS and Windows 32-bit. If your setup has got computers running both 32-bit and 64-bit OS, you can download both the installers. If you have computers running 64-bit OS only, download the 64-bit MSI installer. 2ff7e9595c